Jump to: Local resources / Municipal, county, and federal websites / Tax forms and information / Voting and elections
Local resources
- The Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA) has 70+ member libraries (including us), a list of which can be found here.
- Woodland Hills School District is responsible for the public education of local children and for the Swissvale Library.
- Swissvale’s municipal website has a page on early local history, from Swissvale’s founding to its incorporation as a borough.
- Port Authority has a Trip Planner and Schedule Finder on their website, which incorporates all their bus schedules.
- The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank has a variety of links both for those who want to get help and give help.
Municipal, county, and federal websites
- Swissvale Borough
- City of Pittsburgh
- Allegheny County
- The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- The United States of America
Tax forms and information
- Local taxes: The Keystone Collections Group collects Swissvale residents’ local taxes.
- State taxes: PA.gov has tax forms, services and assistance. Click here for PA state forms.
- Federal taxes: IRS.gov has all the forms and instructions you’ll need. Click here for federal forms.
- United Way has partnered with the IRS to give free tax assistance to qualified recipients..
Voting and elections
Voting is now easier and more accessible for millions of Pennsylvanians. Voters now have more options, including:
- Mail-in voting: votesPA.com/MailBallot
- More time to register to vote: votesPA.com/Register
- Online request for mail-in ballots: votesPA.com/ApplyMailBallot
Learn more about election security and accessibility at votespa.com/Security
Get more election information from the PA Department of State:
- Web: votesPA.com
- Twitter: @PAStateDept
- Facebook: @PADepartmentofState
alleghenyvotes.com — Allegheny County’s site for voter registration, absentee and mail-in ballots, new voting machine demonstrations, and more
votesPA.com — Pennsylvania’s site for voter registration, finding your polling place, absentee ballots, and more
vote411.org — by the League of Women Voters for candidate information, ballot information, and more
League of Women Voters of Pittsburgh Voter Resources — Nonpartisan and reliable information for the 2020 General Election process, resources for youth empowerment, voter registration, mail-in voting, and more
Become a poll worker in Allegheny County — Apply online to become a poll worker. Poll workers in Allegheny County are paid.